Social Commitment DRAFT

Social Commitment

Gleason drives numerous projects that support a responsible and strong community.

Future Responsibility

Corporate responsibility is an integral part of our business principles and is practiced in every respect at Gleason. Economic success and social responsibility towards employees, the environment and society mesh like gears and must harmonize in order to function.

We do not only want to take nature into account, but also be a strong and healthy employer to our employees, securing and expanding long-term jobs through responsible actions. That's why all Gleason operations specifically support regional and local projects which encourage a responsible and strong community.

The Gleason Works Foundation

The foundation supports service clubs and organizations involved with patient services, children and youth, and Protestantism.

Every Tree Counts

As a machine manufacturer, we strive to minimize or completely offset our CO2 footprint. In doing so, it is important not only to engage in short-term grandstanding, but to implement sustainable and long-lasting measures in order to leave a world worth living in for future generations. We want to encourage people to get involved, because climate protection can be fun.

Learn more about out planting initiative

Bee There Now

Without bees, things don’t just look bleak for fruit and vegetables – bees also pollinate many other types of crops and trees, which produce necessary oxygen. Gleason donates to local beekeepers to support the establishment of high-quality commercial colonies, professional care and year-round stewardship, and a natural honey harvest.

Bee there too and join us in saving the bees!

Supporting Yellow

Dynamism, technique, precision, innovation, commitment and team spirit - these are not only our unbeatable Gleason values, but also the values of the MHP RIESEN Ludwigsburg. As a local partner and fan of rousing sports, we support the professional basketball team!

Affair of the Heart

As part of our annual fundraising campaign, the Gleason team collected no less than € 7,100 for the children's hospice in Ludwigsburg, Germany, financially securing the 2022 summer camp.