Manufacturing Solutions for Automotive Production

Tarih Aug 06 - 08, 2024
Dil English
Seviye Temel
Proses Dişli Proses Teorisi
Sağlayıcı Gleason
Class Duration 1-3 days
Number of Participants 80-120
Price Tags free

Manufacturing Solutions for Automotive Production

The Customer Seminar "Manufacturing Solutions for Automotive Production" in India features the latest developments in gear and transmission design, cutting and hard finishing processes, as well as inspection and analysis tools to achieve most efficient bevel and cylindrical gears.

This event is the perfect experience for newcomers and experts alike with focus on different gear technology topics, taking place two days in Pune or one day in Delhi.


  • Pune Day 1, Tuesday Aug 06: Cylindrical Gear Technology
  • Pune Day 2, Wednesday, Aug 07: Bevel Gear Technology
  • Delhi Day 3, Thursday, Aug 08: Cylindrical and Bevel Gear Technology

Interested in Participation in the Seminar? Email Us

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