Training - Gear Inspection and Metrology

Date Feb 10 - 14, 2020
Rochester, NY, États-Unis
The Gleason Works
1000 University Ave.
Rochester, NY 14607, USA
Langue Anglais
Niveau Basique, Avancé
Procédé Métrologie Mesures analytiques, Métrologie Mesure en atelier, Métrologie par balayage laser, Métrologie calibres/tampons, Métrologie Contrôle Entraxe
Organisateur Gleason
Durée du cours 3 days
Nombre de Participants 3-6
Price Tags $ 1,300

Gear Inspection and Metrology

General aspects of measuring specific gear parameters. Various measurement techniques and equipment offered by Gleason for the gear metrology function.

Topics Covered:

▪ Gear measurement theory.
▪ AGMA quality standards.
▪ Terminology of gear measurement.
▪ Gear parameters to be measured.
▪ Types of measurement equipment.
▪ Bevel/cylindrical (parallel axis) measurement.
▪ G-AGE™ flank form and spacing output.
▪ Explanation concept of single flank and vibration testing.
▪ Conventional roll testing.
▪ “E-P-G” test related to TCA.
▪ Precision index spacing checks.


Upon Completion:

A certificate is issued with successful completion.