Gleason-Saikuni Co., Ltd., Niigata, Japan

Gear Technology Made in Japan

Gleason-Saikuni is Gleason's manufacturing hub in Japan, located in Niigata, the largest port of the Japanese sea coast. Gleason-Saikuni is dedicated to the development of rack manufacturing machinery as well as the assembly of bevel gear auxiliary and tool grinding machines.

Company Profile

Rack Manufacturing Technology Specialist

Gleason-Saikuni has more than 30 years of experience in the development and building of rack milling, grinding and broach milling machines. Today, our reference list shows over 90 Gleason-Saikuni rack manufacturing machine installations worldwide.

Contact Information

Home of Bevel Auxiliary and Tool Grinding Machines

Gleason-Saikuni is a global footprint manufacturer of bevel auxiliary machines for worldwide supply, like the well known BPG Blade Profile Grinding Machine or the innovative BIM Blade Inspection Machine. Additionally Gleason-Saikuni develops and manufactures a line of cylindrical tool grinding machines for shaper cutters, Power Skiving cutters and similar tools. 


In 1952, Kunihei Saito founded Saikuni in Niigata, Japan. The strategic partnership of Saikuni with Gleason Corporation that began in 1997 has evolved into a closer bond - in 2013, Saikuni became a Gleason operation.

This is Our Story

Corporate Profile

Gleason-Saikuni Co., Ltd.

Office Location
2-10, Kamedakogyodanchi 2-Chome, Konan-Ku, Niigata-Shi,
Niigata, 950-0141, Japan
Tel +81 25-381-3151
Fax +81 25-382-6990

October 2, 2013

10,000,000 Yen

Taichiro Ikegaki  

John J. Perrotti (Chairman and CEO, Gleason Corporation)

Gina M. Vollmer (V.P., General Counsel and Secretary, Gleason Corporation)

Udo W. Stolz (V.P., Worldwide Sales and Marketing, Gleason Corporation)

Corporate Auditor
Yasuhiro Oishi

Executive Officers
Senior Executive Officer, General Manager Plant Operation
Hidetaka Bamba

Business Guidance
Design, Production, Sales, and Inspection Maintenance of Industrial Machinery
Design, Production, Sales, and Inspection Maintenance of Factory Automation
Design, Development, Sales, and Maintenance of Computer System
Sales, Maintenance of Cutting Tools, Work Fixture Manufacturing

Accounting Period
Once Per Year, December

Main Bank
Daishi Hokuetsu Bank, Ltd. Kameda Chuo Branch